Apostle Pedro, Pastor Amalia with daughters, Frida and Perla.
Templo La Mies-Iquitos, Peru
Grace Covenant International-Peru is led by a strong team of leaders under the direction of Apostle Pedro Urcia. There is a growing network of churches spreading throughout Peru. Through our Kingdom connection and partnership, pastors are receiving encouragement and equipping to shepherd their ministries well. Ministers are being raised up and sent out to plant news churches as the Lord directs.
Each December, Pastor Amalia (Grandma Loida) and her team lead a Children's Christmas Outreach. They will present the Gospel to over 5,000 children in the Iquitos area. This is a project that our GCI ministry family supports every year. Many children receive Christ as their Savior.
Pastores Rubén y Rosario Casas
Iglesia Nueva Vida-Ilo, Peru
Pastors Rosa and Jose Torres Iglesia Misión Cristiana Pacto de Gracia-Lima, Peru